Doveton Press Limited recognises that we have a responsibility to protect the environment by exercising proper control of our business activities to reduce waste and harmful effects on the natural world.
We are committed to finding ways to shape the way towards a more environmentally friendly operation.
We are FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certified C015170 and support sustainable forestry. By obtaining FSC® certification Doveton Press Ltd can demonstrate its commitment economically, environmentally and socially to responsible forestry.

Environmentally Friendly Papers
We encourage our clients to use environmentally friendly papers whenever possible which, is made easier by the fact that almost all the paper we use is FSC® certified.
100% of our off-cuts, approximately 3 tonnes a week is recycled by Wye Waste Paper.
Chain of Custody certification provides independent evidence that forest products originate from well managed forests and other controlled sources.
Responsible Chemical Disposal
All coating waste and wash out gum from our plate-making machine is collected by J & G Environmental Ltd, a specialist waste licensed contractor.
Chemical Free Plates
Our studio uses computer to plate technology with the Heidelberg Suprasetter which requires no developer and uses chemical free aluminium plates. No film and related chemicals are used.
Almost all the aluminium plates are recycled by J & G Environmental Ltd.
Plant Based Inks
We use plant based litho inks and all used ink tins are recycled by J & G Environmental Ltd.
Our Anicolor presses reduce ‘make ready’ waste.
We email quotes, PDF proofs and purchase orders, reducing paper waste in the process.
Recycled Packaging
Where possible, orders are boxed in fully recyclable cardboard packaging.
Can we Help?
If you would like further information about our eco printing services please give us a call on 0117 9660078. To see our certifications click the links below:
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